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Computer Scientist II Alabama
The Computer Scientist II will be involved in software design, development, and engineering projects for various customers.
Research Associate V Alabama
The Research Associate V, S1-4 will be involved in all aspects of 3D Printing of CAD Models. The person will be required to print, post-process, and finish 3D printed models and operate 3D resin and filament printers.
Research Associate II Alabama
The Research Associate II, S1-4 will be performing 3D Printing.
Research Associate V Alabama
The Research Associate V, S1-4 will be involved in all aspects of 3D Printing of CAD Models. The person will be required to print, post-process and finish 3D printed models and operate 3D resin and filament printers.
Research Associate II Alabama
The Research Associate II, S1-4 will be performing 3D Printing.
Computer Scientist I Alabama
The Computer Scientist I will be involved in software design, development, and analysis in computational endeavors across ITSC.
Principal Res Scientist III Alabama
The Principal Research Scientist III will be involved in design and development, as well as leading team activities of research and development, across ITSC in Technology Strategy and Software Engineering.
Research Scientist VI Alabama
The Research Scientist VI will be involved in software design and development and engineering projects for various customers. The incumbent will develop software for scientific and engineering projects for various customers in data and applications.
Principal Research Scientist VI Alabama
The Principal Research Scientist VI will research, plan, and implement new and existing research portfolios in scientific and engineering areas. Assist with proposals, documentation and reporting. Provide expertise and guidance in new areas.

Please note, job openings are posted for a minimum of three (3) business days and may be removed from the job posting board and filled any time after the minimum posting period has ended.